The Form 1 Company
Email: Phone: 08 7221 4908
Level 8, 420 King William St, Adelaide SA, 5000
Your DetailsVendor DetailsCertificate(s) of Title (if known) | |
I request, direct and authorise The Form 1 Company to undertake all property searches and prepare the Form 1 (the statutory disclosure statement) for the sale contract
as required under the Land & Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act. The Property Document Company Pty Ltd (“The Form 1 Company”) is requested to prepare
and deliver a certified Form 1 to the agent who is then to deliver and serve with the contract for the sale of my property. I will check, confirm and sign the Form 1 and
I warrant that I am the registered owner (or attorney for the owner) and that I am liable for the costs of the searches and fees for preparation of the Form 1. I will also
complete and sign the Form 1 Questionnaire and send to The Form 1 Company to enable it to complete the Form 1 for me. I acknowledge that the search costs may
increase if additional searches are required and that a tax invoice will be sent to me. The authority to debit my credit card (if applicable) may increase depending on the
search costs. If a company, I as a Director, guarantee the payment by the company. Terms and Credit (if applicable)Terms are payment in 7 days on Invoice. I acknowledge that The Form 1 Company will pay the search fees for me at my request and if unpaid within 7 days then the
credit terms will apply and from the date of the Invoice. I acknowledge and accept that The Form 1 Company will charge interest of 18% and a further $50 administrative
fee for late payments. The Property Document Company Pty Ltd may assign this debt and all its interests herein and I consent and acknowledge any assignment or
transfer. I charge any and all real property I and the company (if applicable) own with this debt (in addition to all recovery costs) and this charge may be registered.
Executed as a deed.
Payment By(please tick)
VENDOR QUESTIONNAIRE DETAILS This Questionnaire must be filled out completely and signed by the Vendor to enable preparation of the Form 1.Mortgages, Charges and Prescribed Encumbrances (Division I - Form I) If yes, please advise name of lender If not known Form 1 to state NOT being discharged Current Rent If the property is a Strata or Community Title, please provide the name and address of the Corporation Manager/Secretary If yes, please detail Building Indemnity InsuranceGeneral QuestionsIf yes, provide details below: If yes, provide details below: Are there any of the following matters under the Planning, Development and Infrastruture Act 2016 or the Development Act 1994: If yes, provide all details and documents Particulars relating to Aluminium Composite PanelsIf yes, we will need to seek further information from you and the Community Corporation. Particulars relating to Environment ProtectionAre you aware of any of the following activities, other than domestic activities, occurring on the land before/after you acquired an
interest in the land? Did the relevant activity occur Before After Before and After you acquired the property If yes, did the environmental assessment occur Before After Before and After you acquired the property Commercial Property EnquiriesAny other mattersIf yes, please detail below: Important notice to the Vendor, or the person signing this Questionnaire for the VendorSections 7 and 9 of the Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994, require the Vendor and the agent to provide
certain information to the purchaser of the land. This document will be used to prepare the Form 1 and then provide that
information to the purchaser and must be completed accurately and if incorrect may invalidate a Contract. Acknowledgement by VendorI/WE DO HEREBY STATE that to the best of my knowledge and after inquiry by me the above information supplied is true and correct
and is a full disclosure of all required information and I will advise the Agent of any changes to this information and all further
information arising in relation to the property. I am aware that incorrect or incomplete information may place the proposed sale
of the property at risk and I may be liable for incorrect or incomplete information in relation to claims which I might incur to the
Purchaser and or to third parties relying on the information given by me. If I sign as an authorised person I warrant my authority to
do so is valid and not withdrawn and is in writing as appointee or attorney of the Vendor.
By submitting this form you are agreeing to the terms and conditions. †The Form 1 Company™ 010724 - Standard 2024 | |